暑期班 Summer Class 2012


課程編號 :CUSA1014

上課日期 :16/7, 18/7, 20/7, 23/7, 25/7, 27/7, 30/7, 1/8, 3/8, 6/8

上課時間 :9:30am-12:00nn(基本課),1:30p.m.-4p.m.(導修課)。

任教教授 :區國強教授 (香港中文大學)


對像 :適合準備升上中四的同學參加,學員須具備良好的數理基礎並有濃厚興趣

內容簡介 :同學將學習複數的性質並利用複數來計算並推廣在中學座標幾何的課程中的幾何概念, 並利用複數的運算法則來解釋基礎的幾何變換。這科目的目標在於擴闊學生在高等數學的視野,並明白複數的代數性質與幾何概念如何交互影響,並帶來更深層的理 解。此科目的內容,自然的引進其他幾何觀念,可看為「非歐幾何賞析」的先修科。

Geometric Perspectives of Complex Numbers

Course code:CUSA1014

Date: 16/7, 18/7, 20/7, 23/7, 25/7, 27/7, 30/7, 1/8, 3/8, 6/8

Time: 9:30am-12:00nn(Lecture),1:30p.m.-4p.m.(Tutorial session)

Teacher: Prof. AU Kwok Keung Thomas(CUHK)

University Recognition: Admission consideration

Expected applicants:have a good foundation in mathematics and science, and are advancing to Secondary 4

Introduction: Students can learn the operations and properties of complex numbers and how to use complex numbers on geometry topics taught in secondary school. Also, students can learn how to interpret basic geometric transformations by applying complex calculations. This course aims at broadening and deepening students’ perspectives towards advanced mathematics through understanding the cross-influences of the complex algebra and geometric concepts. This course naturally leads to further geometric concepts, and so is regarded as a pre-requisite of “Understanding Non-Euclidean Geometry”.

網上報名(Online application)