暑期班 Summer Class 2012


課程編號: SAYT1114

*上課日期 :2/8, 7/8, 9/8, 13/8, 15/8, 17/8, 20/8, 22/8, 24/8, 27/8, 2012

上課時間 :10:30a.m.-1:00p.m.(基本課),2:30p.m.-5:00p.m.(導修課)。

任教教授 :李俊捷博士 (香港中文大學)



內容簡介:同學將由淺入深,先學習數論的入門知識,包括:整數的整除 性、歐幾里得演算法、同餘式、「中國剩餘定理」、數論函數、歐拉定理、費馬小定理和連分數理論等。


Number Theory and Cryptography

Course code:SAYT1114

*Date :2/8, 7/8, 9/8, 13/8, 15/8, 17/8, 20/8, 22/8, 24/8, 27/8, 2012

Time: 10:30a.m.-1:00p.m.(Lecture),2:30p.m.-5:00p.m.(Tutorial session)

Teacher: Dr. LI Chun Che Charles(CUHK)

University Recognition: 2 credits of CUHK

Expected applicants:have high competence in abstract mathematical reasoning, and are advancing to Secondary 4 or 5

Introduction: We will proceed from basic to deeper knowledge about Number Theory, including Divisibility Theory, Euclidean Algorithm, Congruence Equation, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Euler’s Theorem, Fermat’s Little Theorem and Continued Fractions.

*Please note that lecture dates shown on this website shall prevail.

網上報名(Online application)