暑期班 Summer Class 2023


課程編號: SAYT1034

上課日期: 17/7, 18/7, 20/7, 21/7, 24/7, 25/7, 27/7, 28/7, 31/7, 2023

上課時間: 10:30am – 5:15pm 

考試日期: 3/8/2023 (10:30am – 1:30pm)

後備課堂日期: 19/7, 26/7, 4/8, 2023 (10:30am-5:15pm)

上課地點: [中文大學, 詳情有待公佈]*

任教教授: 陳曉寧博士(香港中文大學)

大學認可: 中文大學1學分


對象: 準備升上中四或中五的同學,學員須具備良好的抽象數學推理能力。

內容簡介: 此課程將介紹複數的運算和性質、複函數以及幾何物件和變換,旨在探究複代數和解析幾何之間的微妙關係,深化和擴闊學生對數學的了解,同時亦為學習非歐幾何和複分析等高等數學奠下基礎。

學費: 港幣 3,990元正 (已包含港幣40元申請費用)



Complex Numbers and Analytic Geometry

Course code: SAYT1034

Date: 17/7, 18/7, 20/7, 21/7, 24/7, 25/7, 27/7, 28/7, 31/7, 2023

Time: 10:30am – 5:15pm

Examination Date: 3/8/2023 (10:30am – 1:30pm)

Reserved Date: 19/7, 26/7, 4/8, 2023 (10:30am-5:15pm)

Venue: [CUHK. Detail to be announced]*

Lecturer: Dr. CHAN Hiu Ning (CUHK)

University Recognition: 1 credit of CUHK

Medium of Instruction: mainly in Cantonese with English course materials

Expected applicants: Students who have high competence in abstract mathematical reasoning, and are promoting to Secondary 4 or Secondary 5

Introduction: This course introduces operations and properties of complex numbers and functions, manipulation of geometric objects and transformations. It aims at broadening and deepening students’ perspectives towards advanced mathematics through understanding the cross-influences of the complex algebra and analytic geometry. It also lays a foundation for studying advanced mathematics such as non-Euclidean geometry and complex analysis.

Tuition fee: HK$3,990 (with $40 application fee included)

*This course offers face-to-face lessons on CUHK campus.



網上報名(Online application)

入學試免試條款 Conditions for Admission Screening Test Exemption


Applicants who satisfy either one of the following conditions may be exempted from Admission Screening Test and will be directly admitted into this course. (refer to note below)
  1. 曾修讀並及格完成以下任何一個科目取錄: 「複數的幾何面貌」、「複數與解析幾何」、「近世代數初探」。
    Passed in any of the following courses before: Geometric Perspectives of Complex Numbers, Complex Number and Analytical Geometry, and Towards Modern Algebra.

  2. 曾獲得以下任何一個科目取錄:「數論與密碼學」、「微分幾何初探」、「數學分析入門」、「非歐幾何賞析」。
    Being admitted in one of the following courses before: Number Theory and Cryptography, Towards Differential Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, and Understanding Non-Euclidean Geometry.

(參考附註 note)
Those who had taken "Enrichment Mentoring Mathematics I or II" still need to sit the Test, but will be considered with priority.